GHS, Vattavada is located in Rural area of Idukki district of Kerala State, India at a distance of about 45 km from Munnar Town and is characterised by its lush green beauty.
Medium of instruction is Tamil language and school is Co-educational.School is affiliated with Kerala State Board for both secondary and high secondary level. School encourages the students to take part in various co-curricular activities held in school.
When the school started functioning in 1948 we had only Primary section. In 1996 the school was upgraded as high school. As years passed GHSS VATTAVADA was progressed by leaps and bounds . The school was upgraded as higher Secondary school in 2010.
In any school, morning assemblies are a must thing to begin the day with. Every day, all students assemble at the school ground and begin the day with a prayer. General news reading and instructions are followed past the prayer. Sometimes, students even make a speech on the important topics and then the Headmaster takes over the charge of the assembly meeting.
School vegetable gardens are a great way for children to learn about where their food comes from and to get them excited about eating fresh vegetables. It is also a chance to learn outdoors! Learning where your food comes from makes for longstanding healthy lifestyle.